Sunday, April 5, 2009

Qing Ming

Singapore is a modern, fast-moving, forward-thinking city state where the trappings of capitalism are all-important. One of the first things I learned about Singaporeans was the importance they placed on having the Five C's - Car, Cash, Credit Card, Condominium, and Country Club membership. But scratch the surface and you'll find that many Singaporeans are deeply religious and superstitious, evident in the many ceremonies and festivals that take place across the island throughout the year. One such festival is Qing Ming (Clear and Bright), also known as Grave Sweeping Day. It's similar to All Souls Day. The graves of ancestors are restored and tidied up and offerings are made to the spirits. This family had been by the graveside since 3am and had just received confirmation that the deceased had accepted their offerings. As with most rituals here there is an element of praying for good luck, and of course, good fortune. Paper money is being thrown into the air and a pile of this 'Hell Money' had just been burned - partly to provide for the deceased in the after-life, but also to ensure prosperity in this one. I was told (with tongue in cheek I suspect) that the value of the hell money burned by this family ran into the trillions - some of it earmarked for Obama and the global recovery effort. Every little helps..

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